20 Memorable Battles With Unique Mechanics

Challenging encounters, stat blocks, and battle maps for your adventures. Five battles per tier level ranging in simplicity from holding off a horde of goblins to using town lair actions to defend against a mechanical hydra.

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Level 1-4 Encounters

The Ghost Knight - Help your players learn basic mechanics while giving this knight an honorable death

Goblins at the Gates - Set up your defenses and defend against this horde of goblins, utilizing cover, crowd control, and breaking enemy concentration to win the day.

Big Ass Rats in a Basement - A classic fight… with a twist!

The Ooze Laboratory - The party awakens to find themselves strapped down with a giant ooze coming to consume them! Escape your bonds and get out!

Mimic Storefront - What’s real? What’s not? Stake out to solve a mystery before it is too late!

Level 5-10 Encounters

Rust Monster Rider - The party encounters a unique Duergar Cavalier hellbent on keeping a secret!

Hag’s Frozen Summit - The party has found the culprit behind the freezing temperatures and must battle a hag on a perilous mountain top. Don’t fall!

Poltergeist House - This strange house is haunted - trust nothing and navigate its dangers to defeat the host before it is too late!

Giant in the Water - The party must engage a Giant while he is waist deep in the ocean before he reaches land. Fight above and below the surface and dodge his unique attacks!

Psionic Warriors - A warband assaults the crew and are buffing each other psionically. Break the link or perish!

Level 11-16 Encounters

The Elemental Tempest - Four elementals vie for supremacy in a ritual gone wrong. Control which Elemental is the Tempest to change the battlefield and gain the buffs you want!(Available as a free download!)

Dinner Ambush: Night Out Assassin - What first seemed like an elegant dinner has turned deadly as bigger forces are at play

The Gnoll and the Dracolich - A Gnoll Necromancer has unlocked supreme power. Stop his ritual before the Dracolich comes to life!

The Hostage Situation - A group of bandits has taken some important figures hostage. Use quick thinking and expert tactics to free the hostages!

Megalodon Boat Attack - The party’s journey by boat is met with an unwelcome visitor. Utilize the boat’s mechanics or your own abilities to stop a fearsome Megalodon from sinking the ship!

Level 17-20 Encounters

The Clockwork Hydra - Defend a town using their lair actions to help you bring down a Hydra before it destroys everything!

Chaining the Titan - A force older than the realms themselves will need to be sealed away - can the party complete the ritual, or will they unleash this force into the cosmos?

The Archmage’s Burning Tower - Escape the tower with an angry archmage at your backs!

The Profane Ritual - An ancient evil is ascending to godhood… unless the party can stop it!

Epic Bard’s Dance Battle - The greatest performer to ever live is back… with a vengeance! Use smart tactics and dance moves to stop his evil in this Thriller of a fight